About Me

Hello it’s Wendy here!... Welcome to my blog, a place to share my crafty creations.

I have been crafting with one thing and another for many years now, I started card making Christmas 2006 and not looked back, totally addicted to all things Papercrafts ..surprising how much stash a crafter can collect over time...lol

I have made so many wonderful crafty friends since starting my blog back in May 2011 :) I love visiting your blogs....such fabulous inspiration out there.

So happy and proud to be on three fabulous Design Team Lili of the Valley and Di's Digi Stamps and Dies to Die For :)
plus 11 past design teams including the Joanna Sheen Challenge and a senior designer for Digital Delights.

As well as crafting I love gardening, shopping, spending time with family & friends.

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by, do hope you enjoy your visit and if you have time would love you to leave me a comment so I can return to you :)....Hugs Xx

1 comment:

KarenH said...

Would love to follow your blog by email. Could you possibly add feedblitz or feedburner?
Thank you.
Karen H


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