Monday, 17 October 2011

Harvest Time Art Challenge.... at school

Well it's Monday again, hope you all enjoyed your weekend...We went for a lovely walk in the woods early yesterday morning  to collect leaves. acorns,twigs ect to make art work for the school to display around the  harvest foods.....We all had a busy afternoon Hubby, Ben and Katie came up with fabulous  creations but I had to give up, just could not get anything to look right, hubby said I am a perfectionist and can't do rustic...cheek of him,but he's probably right lol...

Ben and Katie came up with these...with a little help from Daddy

and hubby made this squirrel

Hope you are having a fab day ,back later with a card xx

Wendy xx


Anonymous said...

What a fab day you had, great idea and keeps the kids amused too. I sometimes wish my children were still little and at home. You are a very talented family. Alison xxx

Unknown said...

Terrific projects from everyone, what a great way to spend a day x

Pink Dandelion said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Take Care Debs xx

Hazel said...

Great project - happy days! Love the little people. Hazel x
Like the squirrel too - so as not to upset your OH.

Jules said...

Hi Wendy

Super projects and it sounds like a lot of fun was had at the same time.

Loving the stick people. I could see them being on a kids TV programme!

Love Jules xx

McCrafty's Cards said...

These are fabulous, sounds like it was alot of fun too.
Kevin xx

McCrafty's Cards said...

These are fabulous, sounds like it was alot of fun too.
Kevin xx

Crafty Loops said...

Awww how lovely, such a great day you all had. Lee x

Unknown said...

Hi Wendy, sounds lovely. The kiddies love doing things like that don't they. When went to Crich Tramway Village they had a 'build a fairy home' thing going on in woodland walk - you had a to build a little something out of twigs, moss, leaves etc. Emily loved it, but I think I gave her the hump as I was trying to make things just so - she just wanted to pile leaves up! Sarah

Sarah-Jane said...

Sounds like you had a lovely day. xx

Jayne said...

Fab projects and a lovely family day out too, brilliant!
Love Jayne. x x

Loz said...

haha, these are cool! x

Loz said...

haha, these are cool! x


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